Thursday, November 10, 2016

Setting up IBM DataPower Gateway Docker Toolbox container step by step


To use Docker for Windows ( you'll need Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise 64-bit (because Hyper-V is needed), but if you happen to have Windows 7 and want to test IBM DataPower Gateway on Docker, here are instructions to get you up and running in no time without any prior knowledge about DataPower or Docker.


Get Docker Toolbox from

Run the Docker Toolbox setup with default values. Docker Toolbox installs Oracle Virtual Box to your machine and files in the C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox -directory.

Open the "C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox" directory and right click -> Run the -file. A virtual machine will be created to VirtualBox. Note that if you are using a VPN connection on you machine the installation will fail. In that case power off the VM and remove it. Terminate the VPN connection and rerun the -file.

This is what it shows like when the installation fails:

This is what you want it to look like:

Now remove the default VM with the command 'docker-machine rm default':

The default VM is now removed.

In the interactive shell recreate the VM with the command 'docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory=4096 --virtualbox-cpu-count=2 --virtualbox-disk-size=50000 default'

Now you once again have the default VM created.

In the interactive shell run the 'docker pull ibmcom/datapower' -command.

Go to the VirtualBox and push the Show -button.

Run "docker run -it -v /c/Users/[your domain username]/config:/drouter/config -v /c/Users/[your domain username]/local:/drouter/local -e DATAPOWER_ACCEPT_LICENSE=true -e DATAPOWER_INTERACTIVE=true -e DATAPOWER_WORKER_THREADS=4 -p 9090:9090 ibmcom/datapower" (without the quotes)

Use admin/admin to log in.

Go to the configuration mode with the 'co' -command and then give 'web-mgmt 9090' -command to enable web management.

Now you can access DataPower (admin/admin).


You probably don't want to write "docker run -it -v /c/Users/[your domain username]/config:/drouter/config -v /c/Users/[your domain username]/local:/drouter/local -e DATAPOWER_ACCEPT_LICENSE=true -e DATAPOWER_INTERACTIVE=true -e DATAPOWER_WORKER_THREADS=4 -p 9090:9090 ibmcom/datapower" every time you start the virtual machine. If you cannot paste the text to the VM, you can use putty to connect to the VM. Putty does accept paste with the mouse right click.

The username when using putty is 'docker' and the password is 'tcuser'.

Hints and tips

Check for more information.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Getting started with BizTalk Deployment Framework


BizTalk Deployment Framework is a handy tool for deploying an integration on multiple target environments from a single MSI package. The BizTalk Deployment Framework needs to be installed only on the development machine where the Visual Studio is installed.

Setting up the deployment framework to a project the first time might not be a day in the park, but once you get it up and running it really pays off. As always, things can be done in many different ways, this is one, you might find some better way to do things later in your own projects.

The DeploymentFrameworkTest project used in these instructions is created in the post


Click the screenshots to make them larger.

Get Deployment Framework from and install it.

"Deployment Framework for BizTalk Project" is added in the "Biztalk Projects".

This is what you should see when Deployment Framework in installed.

On the solution right click and select 'New Project'

Select 'Deployment Framework for BizTalk Project', set the name as 'Deployment'

Set 'Deploy IIS virtual directories' to 'true'. Also if you don't want to start integration after deployment you can prevent that from happening. There's no orchestrations or maps in this integration so set them 'False'. Uncheck the 'Write properties to the project file only when...' checkbox.

C:\Projects\DeploymentFrameworkTest\Deployment -directory with content was created.

But the directory was not created in the Visual Studio project so it needs to be added manually.
On the solution right click and select 'New Solution Folder'

Name the directory as 'Deployment'

On the Deployment -directory right click and select Add -> 'Existing Item'.

Select the files in the 'C:\Projects\DeploymentFrameworkTest\Deployment' -directory.

In the BizTalk Server Administration Console export the integration bindings.

Replace the content of "C:\Projects\DeploymentFrameworkTest\Deployment\PortBindingsMaster.xml" with the content of the exported DeploymentFrameworkTest.BindingInfo.xml.

Open the file in Notepad++ and linearize it. This step might not be needed if there is no trouble with line endings.

Then pretty print and the save the file.

PortBindingsMaster.xml should now contain the exported binding data.

Edit the Deployment.btdfproj and add the following rows:

    <PropsFromEnvSettings Include="VDIR_UserName;VDIR_UserPass;IIS_AppPool" />

    <VDirList Include="*">

Check that 'Configuration' matches.

$(IIS_AppPool) needs to be defined in the BizTalkDeploymentFramework.targets since we are getting it from the configuration file (SettingsFileGenerator.xml, editing this will come after a few steps). That is why <AppPool> is in comments, it's not used from Deployment.btdfproj.

You need to consider how big changes you make to the BizTalkDeploymentFramework.targets since this same file is used in all of your deployment projects.

In the 'C:\Projects\DeploymentFrameworkTest\DeploymentFrameworkTest' create IIS -directory and under that DeploymentFrameworkTest -directory and copy data from C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DeploymentFrameworkTest to it.

Install 'IIS 6 Management Compatibility' components if not already installed.

Set the dll name (the one in the 'C:\Projects\DeploymentFrameworkTest\DeploymentFrameworkTest\bin\Release' -directory, or 'Debug').

Open the "C:\Projects\DeploymentFrameworkTest\Deployment\SettingsFileGenerator.xml" using Excel (or OpenOffice etc.) and set the values. When you have edited the file, save and close. If the file is not closed you'll get errors later.

Deploy the solution

When deploying if you get 'The "CreateVirtualDirectory" task failed unexpectedly.' and 'Cannot create a file when that file already exists.' you'll need to run a couple of command in PowerShell (as Administrator)

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Remove-WebConfigurationLocation -PSPath 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST' -Name 'Default Web Site/DeploymentFrameworkTest'

The integration is now deployed.

Go to the BizTalk Server Administrator Console and start the integration. If you had the console open prior to deployment refresh to see the deployed integration.

Test that the integration works as expected.

Undeploy the integration.

Manually delete the IIS virtual directory.

Build server deploy MSI.

The MSI installer package was created in the 'C:\Projects\DeploymentFrameworkTest\Deployment\bin\Release' -directory.

Run the MSI package.

Accept license agreement. Next.



Select 'Start deploying to BizTalk when I click Finish'


Select the setting file depending on the environment you are deploying on.


Finish. Deployment starts.

Deployment was successful. Now you can manually start the integration in the BizTalk Server Administrator Console (if you have StartApplicationOnDeploy set to 'False' ).

The integration was installed in the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\DeploymentFrameworkTest for BizTalk 1.0.0\1.0' -directory.

The app is created to IIS.

And it can be found from Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features. This is where you can uninstall the integration. You'll need to manually delete the integration from the BizTalk Server Administrator Console and IIS, uninstalling does not do that.

Hints and tips

In this project we did not make any changes to the PortBindingsMaster.xml file but if you need to use variables there use curly brackets instead of round brackets to get a variable value from the SettingsFileGenerator.xml.