Sunday, March 11, 2018

Installing and running Mule ESB Community Edition runtime


Basic steps to install Mule ESB Community Edition runtime and get it kickin'.


Get and install Java JDK, must be 32 bit:
Select jdk-8u161-windows-i586.exe

Get Mule Community Edition Runtime from:

Once you have downloaded the zip package (, extract it.

Rename the directory from "mule-standalone-3.9.0" to "Mule".

Copy the 'Mule' directory to the C: -drive. This is what you should see now:

Run CMD as Administrator and "cd c:\mule\bin".
Enter command "mule". Mule should start.

Use "CTRL+C" to stop Mule. Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y

To install Mule as a service, enter the "mule install" command.

To be able to run Mule as a service, you'll need an account for Mule.

Go to Computer Management

Right click on the Users directory and select "New User"

Create a new user. Note the checkboxes.

Grant 'Modify' rights for the 'mule' user to the C:\Mule -directory.

If you get errors, go to the Advanced settings. First go to Auditing and click Continue. This will make you run the settings as an administrator.

Then replace the permissions in the sub directories.

Go to the 'mule' service and set the account and the password.

After a few seconds check the "C:\Mule\logs\mule.log" file that Mule is live and kickin'.


If you run into issues remember that the 'mule' user must have rights to directories where integrations are pointing. You could put the 'mule' user to the administrators group for example when testing if local directories are involved. In a 'real life' scenario the Mule service should run under a service account defined in AD, but that's a different story.